Results for 'Marloes A. Huis'

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  1.  58
    A Three-Dimensional Model of Women’s Empowerment: Implications in the Field of Microfinance and Future Directions.Marloes A. Huis, Nina Hansen, Sabine Otten & Robert Lensink - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Implementing Experience Sampling Technology for Functional Analysis in Family Medicine – A Design Thinking Approach.Naomi E. M. Daniëls, Laura M. J. Hochstenbach, Marloes A. van Bokhoven, Anna J. H. M. Beurskens & Philippe A. E. G. Delespaul - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Validity of the Parental Burnout Inventory Among Dutch Employees.Hedwig J. A. Van Bakel, Marloes L. Van Engen & Pascale Peters - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Contested Technologies and Design for Values: The Case of Shale Gas.Marloes Dignum, Aad Correljé, Eefje Cuppen, Udo Pesch & Behnam Taebi - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1171-1191.
    The introduction of new energy technologies may lead to public resistance and contestation. It is often argued that this phenomenon is caused by an inadequate inclusion of relevant public values in the design of technology. In this paper we examine the applicability of the value sensitive design approach. While VSD was primarily introduced for incorporating values in technological design, our focus in this paper is expanded towards the design of the institutions surrounding these technologies, as well as the design of (...)
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  5. A passagem da cultura oral à cultura escrita em Paulo Freire : ponderações.Marlos de Barros Pessoa - 2012 - In Maria José de Matos Luna & Vera Moura (eds.), Língua e literatura: perspectivas teórico-práticas. Recife: Editora Universitária UFPE.
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    Martín de Azpilcueta e a justificação moral da prática comercial.Marlo Nascimento - 2021 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 2 (1):60-70.
    O artigo busca examinar, no pensamento de Martín de Azpilcueta (1492- 1586), a questão da justificação moral da prática comercial. Na intenção de alcançar este objetivo, buscar-se-á explorar a compreensão da moralidade envolvendo a atividade comercial em pensadores anteriores a Azpilcueta que trataram do tema e, que de certa forma, o influenciaram na abordagem da questão. Nessa perspectiva, será destacada a discussão trazida por Tomás de Aquino (1225-1274) e João Duns Scotus (1265-1308). Assim, se investigará como o legado destes dois (...)
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    Blurring of emotional and non-emotional memories by taxing working memory during recall.Marcel A. van den Hout, Marloes B. Eidhof, Jesse Verboom, Marianne Littel & Iris M. Engelhard - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (4):717-727.
  8.  82
    The view of Hong Kong parents on secondary use of dried blood spots in newborn screening program.L. L. Hui, E. A. S. Nelson, H. B. Deng, T. Y. Leung, C. H. Ho, J. S. C. Chong, G. P. G. Fung, J. Hui & H. S. Lam - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-10.
    Background Residual dried blood spots (rDBS) from newborn screening programmes represent a valuable resource for medical research, from basic sciences, through clinical to public health. In Hong Kong, there is no legislation for biobanking. Parents’ view on the retention and use of residual newborn blood samples could be cultural-specific and is important to consider for biobanking of rDBS. Objective To study the views and concerns on long-term storage and secondary use of rDBS from newborn screening programmes among Hong Kong Chinese (...)
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  9.  48
    Patient privacy and autonomy: a comparative analysis of cases of ethical dilemmas in China and the United States.Hui Zhang, Hongmei Zhang, Zhenxiang Zhang & Yuming Wang - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-8.
    Background Respect for patients’ autonomy is usually considered to be an important ethical principle in Western countries; privacy is one of the implications of such respect. Healthcare professionals frequently encounter ethical dilemmas during their practice. The past few decades have seen an increased use of courts to resolve intractable ethical dilemmas across both the developed and the developing world. However, Chinese and American bioethics differ largely due to the influence of Chinese Confucianism and Western religions, respectively, and there is a (...)
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  10.  86
    Training healthcare professionals as moral case deliberation facilitators: evaluation of a Dutch training programme.Mirjam Plantinga, Bert Molewijk, Menno de Bree, Marloes Moraal, Marian Verkerk & Guy A. M. Widdershoven - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (10):630-635.
    Until recently, moral case deliberation (MCD) sessions have mostly been facilitated by external experts, mainly professional ethicists. We have developed a train the facilitator programme for healthcare professionals aimed at providing them with the competences needed for being an MCD facilitator. In this paper, we present the first results of a study in which we evaluated the programme. We used a mixed methods design. One hundred and twenty trained healthcare professionals and five trainers from 16 training groups working in different (...)
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  11.  61
    Instruments of Music, Instruments of Science: Hermann von Helmholtz's Musical Practices, his Classicism, and his Beethoven Sonata.A. E. Hui - 2011 - Annals of Science 68 (2):149-177.
    Summary The young Hermann Helmholtz, in an 1838 letter home, declared that he always appreciated music much more when he played it for himself. Though a frequent concert-goer, and celebrated for his highly influential 1863 work on the physiological basis of music theory, Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen, it is likely that Helmholtz's enduring engagement with music began with his initial, personal experience of playing music for himself. I develop this idea, shifting the discussion of Helmholtz's work on sound sensation (...)
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  12.  28
    America closed, China open.Michael A. Peters & Tien-Hui Chiang - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (9):843-847.
  13.  24
    A filosofia política de Martín de Azpilcueta (1492-1586) e a questão da autoridade civil popular.Marlo do Nascimento - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (1):65-75.
    Neste artigo pretender-se-á estabelecer as bases sobre as quais Martín de Azpilcueta demonstra sua fundamentação da autoridade política no intuito de refletir sobre como este pensador articula sua argumentação no intuito de apresentar o povo como detentor originário, por direito natural, do poder civil. Para que este objetivo possa ser alcançado buscar-se-á apresentar como o autor relaciona e distingue o poder eclesiástico do poder laico ou civil. Em seguida demonstrar-se-á como o pensador espanhol estabelece sua fundamentação da autoridade civil popular (...)
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    Práticas Contemplativas e Tomada de Decisão: A Relação Entre a Neurofenomenologia, Meditação e a Regulação Top-Down Das Emoções.Marlos Vinícius Oliveira Ramos - 2018 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 10 (13):34-54.
    This article has as its objective to analyze the relationship between the human decision making processes and self-regulating capacity / in the development of top-down regulation, in this particular case, by means of contemplative practices, principally mindfulness meditation. This debate is supported upon the nexus established between the cognitive and emotional processes, searching for comprehension of the casual bases of human decision making and the cognitive and affective process. From this theoretical perspective, emotions exercise the role of prominent neurobiological mechanisms (...)
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  15.  8
    Beyond the CSO: How Alternative Attention Carriers Influence the Role of CSOs on CSR.Marloes Korendijk & Rian Drogendijk - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    More and more firms have a chief sustainability officer (CSO) to support the organizational focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Yet, there is much to learn about the boundary conditions that make the presence of CSOs particularly effective for firms’ CSR. Using an attention-based view lens, we investigate the relationship between having a CSO as attention carrier of CSR activities and examine the potential boundary conditions related to the three attention principles (attention selection, represented by board diversity; attention structures, represented (...)
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    Language Dominance and Cognitive Flexibility in French–English Bilingual Children.Elena Nicoladis, Dorothea Hui & Sandra A. Wiebe - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  17.  22
    A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Examination of the Neural Correlates of Cognitive Shifting in Dimensional Change Card Sort Task.Hui Li, Dandan Wu, Jinfeng Yang, Sha Xie, Jiutong Luo & Chunqi Chang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    This study aims to examine the neural correlates of cognitive shifting during the Dimensional Change Card Sort Task task with functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Altogether 49 children completed the DCCS tasks, and 25 children passing all items were classified into the Switch group. Twenty children committing more than one perseverative errors were grouped into the Perseverate group. The Switch group had Brodmann Area 9 and 10 activated in the pre-switch period and BA 6, 9, 10, 40, and 44 in the post-switch (...)
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  18.  28
    Psychological Resilience as a Protective Factor for Depression and Anxiety Among the Public During the Outbreak of COVID-19.Shasha Song, Xin Yang, Hua Yang, Ping Zhou, Hui Ma, Changjun Teng, Haocheng Chen, Hongxia Ou, Jijun Li, Carol A. Mathews, Sara Nutley, Na Liu, Xiangyang Zhang & Ning Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundPsychological resilience may reduce the impact of psychological distress to some extent. We aimed to investigate the mental health status of the public during the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 and explore the level and related factors of anxiety and depression.MethodsFrom February 8 to March 9, 2020, 3,180 public completed the Zung’s Self-Rating Anxiety Scale for anxiety, Zung’s Self-Rating Depression Scale for depression, the Connor–Davidson resilience scale for psychological resilience, and the Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire for the attitudes and coping (...)
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  19.  40
    A Holist Deontological Solution to the All or Nothing Problem.Hui Jin - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (5):2067-2079.
    The All or Nothing Problem is a paradox developed in recent debates about effective altruism. One argues that the paradox can be resolved by rejecting some of its claims in favor of parallel conditional claims. Another contends that the correct solution to the paradox is to reject a wrong bridge principle that is assumed in it. A third draws a distinction between two moral realms, and suggests that the paradox is only of limited relevance to some assertion of effective altruism (...)
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  20.  20
    Some Wear Leather, Some Wear Lace: A Worldwide Compendium of Postpunk and Goth in the 1980s.Andi Harriman & Marloes Bontje - 2014 - Intellect.
    Whether you were part of the scene or are just fascinated by different modes of expression, this book will transport you to another time and place.
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  21.  80
    The flesh and blood of embodied understanding: The Source-Path-Goal schema in animation film.Charles Forceville & Marloes Jeulink - 2011 - Pragmatics and Cognition 19 (1):37-59.
    According to Conceptual Metaphor Theory, the Source-Path-Goal schema constitutes a central concept in cognition. Apart from literally structuring “movement”, SPG also shapes our understanding of “purposive activity”, including questing and story-telling. A problem in CMT, however, is that the existence of image schemas is almost exclusively postulated on the basis of verbal expressions. To examine the claim that people recruit image schemas such as SPG to make sense of life, it is essential to examine non-verbal modalities. Animation has highly medium-specific (...)
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  22.  61
    A Surprising Source of Self-Motivation: Prior Competence Frustration Strengthens One’s Motivation to Win in Another Competence-Supportive Activity.Hui Fang, Bin He, Huijian Fu, Huijun Zhang, Zan Mo & Liang Meng - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  23.  19
    Introduction: Launching a Labor History of Science.Alexandra Hui, Lissa Roberts & Seth Rockman - 2023 - Isis 114 (4):817-826.
    This introduction to the Focus section “Let’s Get to Work: Bringing Labor History and the History of Science Together” considers the need for and implications of a labor history of science. What would the broad contours of such an approach be? And what new insights, into both the past and the present, could be revealed? The contributions to this Focus section show how a labor history of science broadens our understanding of the practice and practitioners of science. They also use (...)
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  24.  72
    When moving without volition: implied self-causation enhances binding strength between involuntary actions and effects.Myrthel Dogge, Marloes Schaap, Ruud Custers, Daniel M. Wegner & Henk Aarts - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):501-506.
    The conscious awareness of voluntary action is associated with systematic changes in time perception: The interval between actions and outcomes is experienced as compressed in time. Although this temporal binding is thought to result from voluntary movement and provides a window to the sense of agency, recent studies challenge this idea by demonstrating binding in involuntary movement. We offer a potential account for these findings by proposing that binding between involuntary actions and effects can occur when self-causation is implied. Participants (...)
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  25.  67
    A Complex Confucian Conception of Distributive Justice.Hui Jin - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (2):743-761.
    Distributive justice is generally important to persons in society. This was widely recognized by early Confucian thinkers, particularly Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi, in ancient China. Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi had developed, in varying degrees and with different emphases, their respective conceptions of distributive justice to address the relevant social problems in their times. These conceptions not only are intrinsically valuable political thoughts, but may prove useful in dealing with current or future social issues. Thus in this essay, first I provide (...)
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  26.  17
    Growth Mindset and College Students’ Learning Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Serial Mediation Model.Hui Zhao, Jianping Xiong, Zhen Zhang & Chunhui Qi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Against the scourge of the COVID-19 pandemic, college students’ learning engagement has become a key issue in universities and society. Guided by the theories of existential positive psychology and social perception, we explored the positive effect of a growth mindset on learning engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 1,040 college students from universities in Henan Province of China effectively completed online questionnaires. The results showed that growth mindset was positively related to learning engagement and negatively associated with perceived (...)
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  27.  18
    How R&D Staff’s Improvisation Capability Is Formed: A Perspective of Micro-Foundations.Hui He, Yan Bai, Junguang Gao & Jinqiang Xie - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  28.  13
    A Novel Dynamic Routing Approach to Distributed Wireless Sensor Network in Aircraft Environment.Hui Sun, Chengrui Bai, Yahui Li & Kaixin Yang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    The trend to implement the monitoring system with a wireless sensor network has been becoming urgent due to guaranteed flight safety and the passengers comfortability in travel. In this paper, a new dynamic routing algorithm is proposed to prolong the lifetime of the monitoring system with a distributed network based on the K-coverage method, and filter algorithm to be used for data fusion. Finally, the simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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    The Influence of English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Positive Mood and Hope on Their Academic Buoyancy: A Theoretical Review.Hui Dong, Wei Li & Di Ye - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:801435.
    Emotions are now considered critical elements of a successful education. In English as a Foreign Language context, there are many challenges for teachers to deal with. Hence, it is necessary to take their emotions into consideration. Despite many studies in this area, researching teachers’ positive mood, hope, and academic buoyancy has been left less attended. Trying to introduce this line, the present study reviewed the definitions, related concepts, theories, and previous studies done on these three variables in detail. It also (...)
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  30. A Supported Decision-Making Model for Advance Directives.Hui Chan & Hui Yun Chan - 2018 - In Hui Yun Chan (ed.), Advance Directives: Rethinking Regulation, Autonomy & Healthcare Decision-Making. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  31. A Politics of Intensity: Some Aspects of Acceleration in Simondon and Deleuze.Yuk Hui & Louis Morelle - 2017 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 11 (4):498-517.
    This article aims to clarify the question of speed and intensity in the thoughts of Simondon and Deleuze, in order to shed light on the recent debates regarding accelerationism and its politics. Instead of starting with speed, we propose to look into the notion of intensity and how it serves as a new ontological ground in Simondon's and Deleuze's philosophy and politics. Simondon mobilises the concept of intensity to criticise hylomorphism and substantialism; Deleuze, taking up Simondon's conceptual framework, repurposes it (...)
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  32.  23
    COVID-19 and Pretentious Psychological Well-Being of Students: A Threat to Educational Sustainability.Hui Li, Hira Hafeez & Muhammad Asif Zaheer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Since the outbreak of COVID-19, reaction quarantine, social distancing, and economic crises have posed a greater risk to physical and psychological health. Such derogatory mental health stigma is associated with adverse outcomes in the student population. The purpose of the current study is to provide a timely evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic and its adverse effects on students’ psychological well-being to sustain economic sustainability. A thorough review of the literature and current studies, significant emphasis of socio-demographic indicators, interpretation of physical (...)
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  33.  20
    Communicating information packages in institutional face-to-face consultations.Tessa van Charldorp & Marloes Herijgers - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (1):3-27.
    Drawing on Dutch mortgage orientation consultations, the present study uncovers how mortgage advisors communicate information packages to laypersons. These information packages are jointly constructed by advisors and customers as a distinct activity within a professional advisory setting. We name this activity ‘explicative telling’. Through a systematic analysis of 57 of such explicative tellings we will demonstrate that this explicative telling activity consists of doing preliminary work; a body in which general, official information about a specific mortgage topic is given and (...)
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  34.  19
    Labor-related civil society actors in China: a Gramscian analysis.Elaine Sio-Ieng Hui - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (1):49-74.
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  35.  25
    Mental wellbeing in a pandemic: the role of solidarity and care.Hui Yun Chan - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):47-58.
    COVID-19 deeply affects many spheres of life. Lockdown measures implemented worldwide have accentuated mental wellbeing changes in the population from the perspectives of space and social relations. These changes leave lasting imprints on individuals and communities. This article draws upon solidarity and care ethics in exploring their role in rebuilding mental wellbeing in the light of constraints arising from lockdown. The diversity of responses to physical and social isolation during the pandemic illuminates the distinctly relational nature of human beings, offering (...)
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  36.  16
    Identify and Assess Hydropower Project’s Multidimensional Social Impacts with Rough Set and Projection Pursuit Model.Hui An, Wenjing Yang, Jin Huang, Ai Huang, Zhongchi Wan & Min An - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-16.
    To realize the coordinated and sustainable development of hydropower projects and regional society, comprehensively evaluating hydropower projects’ influence is critical. Usually, hydropower project development has an impact on environmental geology and social and regional cultural development. Based on comprehensive consideration of complicated geological conditions, fragile ecological environment, resettlement of reservoir area, and other factors of future hydropower development in each country, we have constructed a comprehensive evaluation index system of hydropower projects, including 4 first-level indicators of social economy, environment, safety, (...)
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  37.  23
    Personalized Music Recommendation Simulation Based on Improved Collaborative Filtering Algorithm.Hui Ning & Qian Li - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-11.
    Collaborative filtering technology is currently the most successful and widely used technology in the recommendation system. It has achieved rapid development in theoretical research and practice. It selects information and similarity relationships based on the user’s history and collects others that are the same as the user’s hobbies. User’s evaluation information is to generate recommendations. The main research is the inadequate combination of context information and the mining of new points of interest in the context-aware recommendation process. On the basis (...)
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  38. A comprehensive update on CIDO: the community-based coronavirus infectious disease ontology.Yongqun He, Hong Yu, Anthony Huffman, Asiyah Yu Lin, Darren A. Natale, John Beverley, Ling Zheng, Yehoshua Perl, Zhigang Wang, Yingtong Liu, Edison Ong, Yang Wang, Philip Huang, Long Tran, Jinyang Du, Zalan Shah, Easheta Shah, Roshan Desai, Hsin-hui Huang, Yujia Tian, Eric Merrell, William D. Duncan, Sivaram Arabandi, Lynn M. Schriml, Jie Zheng, Anna Maria Masci, Liwei Wang, Hongfang Liu, Fatima Zohra Smaili, Robert Hoehndorf, Zoë May Pendlington, Paola Roncaglia, Xianwei Ye, Jiangan Xie, Yi-Wei Tang, Xiaolin Yang, Suyuan Peng, Luxia Zhang, Luonan Chen, Junguk Hur, Gilbert S. Omenn, Brian Athey & Barry Smith - 2022 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 13 (1):25.
    The current COVID-19 pandemic and the previous SARS/MERS outbreaks of 2003 and 2012 have resulted in a series of major global public health crises. We argue that in the interest of developing effective and safe vaccines and drugs and to better understand coronaviruses and associated disease mechenisms it is necessary to integrate the large and exponentially growing body of heterogeneous coronavirus data. Ontologies play an important role in standard-based knowledge and data representation, integration, sharing, and analysis. Accordingly, we initiated the (...)
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  39.  18
    A View of Democracy in and for China from a Deweyan Perspective.Hui Xie - 2020 - Education and Culture 36 (1):36.
    The resurgent interest in Dewey’s work and the growing popularity of his approach in Chinese education, as evidenced in the thirty-seven-volume translation of his collected works and other scholarly initiatives in the past few years,1 present a fundamental paradox. While Dewey’s educational philosophy is inextricably situated in and for the maintenance of democracy, China is still a largely nondemocratic country with what seems to be a growing tendency to retreat back to autocracy with the rise of President Xi. This apparent (...)
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  40.  11
    A Staged Finite-Time Control Strategy for Formation of Underactuated Unmanned Surface Vehicles.Hui Ye, Xiaofei Yang, Chunxiao Ge & Zhaoping Du - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    The formation control issue for a group of underactuated unmanned surface vehicles is discussed in the paper, and a staged finite-time control strategy for the USVs is proposed. Firstly, we try to steer each USV to its own starting point in the formation for a limited time, under the initial condition that each of these vehicles is parked at random. To deal with the nonholonomic behavior of the system, the dynamics of the USV is transformed into cascade systems. Then, the (...)
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    Healthcare workers’ stress when caring for COVID-19 patients: An altruistic perspective.Hui Wang, Yu Liu, Kaili Hu, Meng Zhang, Meichen Du, Haishan Huang & Xiao Yue - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (7):1490-1500.
    Background:When the contagious COVID-19 spread worldwide, the frontline staff faced unprecedented excessive work pressure and expectations of all of the society.Objective:The aim was to explore healthcare workers’ stress and influencing factors when caring for COVID-19 patients from an altruistic perspective.Methods:A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted in a tertiary hospital during the outbreak of COVID-19 between February and March 2020 in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province in China. Data were collected from 1208 healthcare workers. Descriptive statistics and multiple linear (...)
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  42.  20
    The neglected contribution of memory encoding in spatial cueing: A new theory of costs and benefits.Hui Chen & Brad Wyble - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (6):936-968.
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  43. A supra-ethnic perspective in ethnology: the trans-systemic society and the question of Sinicization.Wang Hui - 2025 - In Roger T. Ames, Jin Young Lim & Steven Y. H. Yang (eds.), Formulating a minimalist morality for a new planetary order: alternative cultural perspectives. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
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    The Mozi: A Complete Translation (review).Hui-Chieh Loy - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (2):308-311.
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    Stability, Multistability, and Complexity Analysis in a Dynamic Duopoly Game with Exponential Demand Function.Hui Li, Wei Zhou & Tong Chu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    In this paper, a discrete-time dynamic duopoly model, with nonlinear demand and cost functions, is established. The properties of existence and local stability of equilibrium points have been verified and analyzed. The stability conditions are also given with the help of the Jury criterion. With changing of the values of parameters, the system shows some new and interesting phenomena in terms to stability and multistability, such as V-shaped stable structures and different shape basins of attraction of coexisting attractors. The eye-shaped (...)
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    Spatial Updating according to a Fixed Reference Direction of a Briefly Viewed Layout.Timothy P. McNamara Hui Zhang, Weimin Mou - 2011 - Cognition 119 (3):419.
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    Investigating Effects of Small-Group Student Talk on the Quality of Argument in Chinese Tertiary English as a Foreign Language Learners’ Argumentative Writing.Hui Helen Li & Lawrence Jun Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies have offered a rationale for engaging students in small-group student talk for the planning of L2 individual writing. To further investigate whether such talk effectively promotes the quality of argument in the context of Chinese tertiary EFL learners’ argumentative writing and whether such effects could be retained, the current study adopted a quasi-experimental design with a pretest, a posttest, and a delayed posttest in two intact EFL classes. The performance of the intervention group and the comparison group were (...)
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  48.  36
    The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics.Yuk Hui - 2016 - Boston: MIT Press.
    A systematic historical survey of Chinese thought is followed by an investigation of the historical-metaphysical questions of modern technology, asking how Chinese thought might contribute to a renewed questioning of globalized technics. -/- Heidegger's critique of modern technology and its relation to metaphysics has been widely accepted in the East. Yet the conception that there is only one—originally Greek—type of technics has been an obstacle to any original critical thinking of technology in modern Chinese thought. -/- Yuk Hui argues for (...)
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    Removing a Disabled Person from Her Treasured Independent Living.Katrina Hui, Samuel Law & Harold Braswell - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (6):13-16.
    Ms. X is a person with cerebral palsy and schizophrenia. She has intractable bedsores that are a result of her immobility and to poor wound care related to her delusional thinking. Despite intensive community support, the wounds have worsened to the point that she has needed multiple hospitalizations to prevent systemic sepsis, a life‐threatening condition. She is capable of placement decisions and wishes for independence at home but is incapable of making wound care decisions and does not appreciate that immediately (...)
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    Reframing the Business Case for Diversity: A Values and Virtues Perspective.Hans van Dijk, Marloes van Engen & Jaap Paauwe - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (1):73-84.
    We provide an ethical evaluation of the debate on managing diversity within teams and organizations between equality and business case scholars. Our core assertion is that equality and business case perspectives on diversity from an ethical reading appear stuck as they are based on two different moral perspectives that are difficult to reconcile with each other. More specifically, we point out how the arguments of equality scholars correspond with moral reasoning grounded in deontology, whereas the foundations of the business case (...)
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